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24-hour clock造句

"24-hour clock"是什么意思  
  • For locales that use a 24 - hour clock , the am pm indicators
    对于使用24小时时钟的区域设置, am / pm指示符(
  • You can enter valid times using a 12 - hour or 24 - hour clock
  • Two - digit hour on a 24 - hour clock
  • The hour in a 24 - hour clock
  • Displays the hour as a number with leading zeros using the 24 - hour clock for example ,
  • Displays the hour as a number without leading zeros using the 24 - hour clock for example ,
  • With any hour between noon and 11 : 59 p . m . for locales that use a 24 - hour clock , displays nothing
    ,对中午到11 : 59 p . m之间的任一小时显示大写的
  • Represents the hour as a number from 00 through 23 , that is , the hour as represented by a zero - based 24 - hour clock that counts the hours since midnight
    的小时数,该小时数表示自午夜(显示为0 )后经过的整小时数。
  • The reason for specifying dates a day ahead is that the sample reports are configured to use the default time of 00 : 00 : 00 which is the start of the 24 - hour clock
    这样做的原因是示例报表已配置为使用00 : 00 : 00 (即24小时制的开始时间)作为默认时间。
  • Represents the hour as a number from 0 through 23 , that is , the hour as represented by a zero - based 24 - hour clock that counts the hours since midnight
    的小时数,该小时数表示自午夜(显示为0 )后经过的整小时数。如果该小时是单个数字( 0 - 9 ) ,则它显示为单个数字。
  • It's difficult to see 24-hour clock in a sentence. 用24-hour clock造句挺难的
  • The invariant culture is based on the english culture , but there are some differences . for example , the invariant culture specifies a 24 - hour clock instead of a 12 - hour clock
  • And because our natural rhythms are sometimes out of tune with the 24 - hour clock , you may find that your sleep times begin to drift
    而且我们身体的节奏运行在了一天24小时的这种调子之外(编者注:按照我们的习惯说法,可以说身体丢失了生物钟) ,所以我们得找出为什么我们的睡眠时间发生了移动。
  • We experience jet lag because our natural daily ( circadian ) rhythm or our body s 24 - hour clock is disoriented . our bodies become more set in this rigid routine as we grow older , making the disorientation more severe
    要回答这个问题,首先要知道,时差问题的产生是由于我们体内昼夜性节律( circadian )的激素( cortisol )受到干扰,令身体节奏失调。
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